I have been working in my classroom for the past week now. We start school Tuesday. Yes, Tuesday, July 26th! We are on a year-round schedule here. So now that I have my new first grade classroom put together, you can take a look!
Here is my whole classroom from my desk. I wish I took more whole-class views, but I didn't.

Smarty pants - I have searched and search and could not find where I found this idea. So if it's your sign please let me know! There are smarties inside the pants to give to students who have an ah-ha moment, get 100% on a test, or whenever I feel they deserve one! Next to it is my classroom job chart. I have baseballs that go on it, but I took the picture before I put them up.

I have huge windows that take up one wall, so I put my word wall in the middle.

I split up my calendar routine for this year, so we'll see how it works out. This is the math portion of my calendar. I will call it Math Wall. We will do this before Math Journals and Math time in the afternoon. On this wall there is an estimation jar, money, telling time, guess my number, lunch count for <>= and tooth tally chart. The apple poster goes with some problem solving. It changes out for each month. The white board is to do the daily number in base 10 blocks, even/odd, and another way to make the number.

This is the calendar portion that we will do in the mornings. I hope it will help keep their attention more because it won't take as long at one time. Here we will do the date, yesterday -today-tomorrow is, days of school, and weather.

Lunch choice/attendance board.

Reading corner. I made one of those cute crate seats! I am so excited about it.

Bucket fillers. I found these cute plastic buckets from oriental trading. I wanted tin ones, but they were out of stock. Then when I got around to putting them up, I realized plastic were better because they weren't so heavy. I found the cute printable sign from
What the Teacher Wants. In my class we will use pom-poms when we fill each other's buckets.